

“Starboard, paddle surf world leader also applies the PRS technology in its SUPs. Trinity and Starboard agree to use the parabolic rail system technology in their Hyper Nut and Nut models. Two leaders joining their knowledge to launch the most maneuverable, innovative and fastest SUP in the market”

Svein Rasmussen.

CEO, Starboard

“Uno de mis pro-surfers probó la tabla en Río de Janeiro y Perú. Le encantó las sensaciones que transmitía. El sistema PRS te ofrece un surf único. Una sensación diferente”.

Joca Secco. (BRASIL)

CEO, Wetworks. Surfboards Shaper

“From The beginning I relied on this shape. It has something special to discover.”

Nigel Semmens

ceo, Ocean Magic

“I felt the high speed and the increase of maneuverability from the beginning. It’s a surfboard that let’s you make turns more easily. The parabolic surfboard fights on”.

Roger Mansfield. (UK)

Ex-British Surfing Champion, http://www.rogermansfield.com/

“From the first catch this board was going great. It’s easy catching fast paddling you never gona worrie about a nosedive. It speeds up perfect if you carver it – I’m still searching for some weakness, haven’t found it so far! At the moment I’m just stoked!”

Mike Holzrichter. (INDONESIA)

Owner, Medewi Surf Homestay, Bali

“I remember a casual conversation with Paul Naude over two years ago encouraging Firewire to explore a side cut design, so when Eduardo Cenzano, Managing Director and lead engineer at Trinity Technologies in Spain approached us with the idea, we decided to pursue it. He original Trinity design showed immediate promise and with Eduardo’s consent, we brought long-time Firewire collaborator Dan Mann into the design process and the final version represents a synthesis of everyone’s input”.

Mark Price. (USA)


“Trinity’s shapes are giving a new dimension to the surfing world. It’s great to see such innovative designs making a splash in a world where many people are actually very closed-minded.”

Matt Hurworth

CEO, Mh Surfboards

Trinity and Ocean Sunglasses join together the surfing spirit in the Basque Surfing Cluster where both companies are active partners.
We have always been atracted by the innovation, design and technology used by Trinity applied to their surfing boards.
Three factors which are a constant also in Ocean Suglasses when creating new protection Sunglasses for surfers.
More and more surfers use Ocean protection Sunglasses to prevent burning the eyes when surfing worldwide.
Technical Floatable sunglasses with specially designed frames with air flow between the frame and the face and adjustable straps to the head.
Cat. 3 protection and Polarized lenses to really see the wave shape and enjoy the surfing savely.
Try to surf blind, you will see the difference.
Now Eduardo and me share surfing Trinity boards and Ocean protection Sunglasses when surfing.

Iker Beistegi

CEO, Ocean Sunglasses

“I rode the 5’6″ in small clean waves this morning and it went great.

It has a great potential “

Spider Murphy. (SOUTH AFRICA)

Shaper Safari Surfboards. World Champion, Safari Surfboards

“Siempre hemos creído en este proyecto. Desde el principio nos hemos sentido identificados con el sistema PRS por el potencial que ofrece. Veo el concepto carving como un complemento perfecto al sistema tradicional ya que para depende qué condiciones, las tablas tradicionales ofrecen algunas ventajas. Es una tabla que no debería faltar en ningún quiver.”

Jesús Ruiz

CEO, Glassing Monkey

“Como shaper y surfer la primera vez que vi tablas Trinity pensé, estas tablas no me convencen nada, no tienen que ir bien. Fue entonces cuando conocí a Eduardo y tuve la oportunidad de probarlas. Mi visión ahí respecto a los cantos parabólicos cambio por completo, es increíble la velocidad y la maniobrabilidad que te ofrece la tabla, imposibles de alcanzar con una tabla convencional, lo que te permite realizar un surf muy retro pero de estilo muy radical. Esto es el futuro. He aquí un claro ejemplo de que las apariencias engañan.”

Edgar Mulder

CEO, Mulder Shapes

“La 5,2 que tengo es la mejor tabla que he tenido hasta ahora. Sin duda, la tabla de surf que más he disfrutado y la que más alegrías me ha dado en el agua. Rápida, maniobrable como una chispa y muy, muy divertida”.

Brandan Araujo. (SPAIN)

Manager, Punko deslizamiento


Combining the knowledge that Trinity has gathered over the years, with unique computer programming systems used to observe how blades perform in different conditions, they were able to translate that information into the design of this board.



Just had my first ride on a 6’0” Trinity Board Sport as Medewi Surfhomestay is hosting the TestingDays! What can i say: From the first catch this board was going great.



Le tout nouveau modèle de chez Firewire ressemble à une bonne vieille table à repasser. C’est en fait un shape étudié pour une meilleure évacuation de l’eau, une pénétration du rail plus efficace tout en gardant un tail assez large pour du confort sur les parties plus plates de la vague.



Dont shoot the messenger. Parabolic V Parabollocks.

If memory serves me rigth, and it seldom does, the first time I saw Grant Strovers parabolic surfboard was at the Board Masters event in Newquay a few years back.

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O modelo da Trinity permitiria usar a prancha com duas a quatro polegadas menos de volume do que sua prancha normal. Entre os benefícios laçados ao mercado, seria mais difícil embicar com ela.



The Cornice’s collaborative design process between Trinity Technologies, Dan Mann, and Firewire proves that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.



Luchar contra molinos y gigantes, innovar y R-evolucionar el sector del surf.

Esa es la filosofía de la ingeniera navarra Trinity Board Sport. Ya conocíamos su marca, pero gracias al Clúster de Surf de Donostia, al que pertenecemos, hemos podido pasar un rato con Eduardo Cenzano, socio director de Trinity. A quienes no os suene, quizá hayáis visto por las playas unas tablas con una forma peculiar y hemos aprovechado para preguntarle el porqué de esa forma diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados.

También nos ha hablado de una aplicación para convertir las tablas convencionales en tablas inteligentes o Smart Boards que se espera que revolucionen el mundo del surf.

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Back in 2013, a man named Eduardo Cenzano, the Managing Director and lead engineer at Trinity Technologies, approached Firewire with a promising design. Trinity, a company that designs blades for wind turbines, used their knowledge of how wind moves over turbine blades and transferred it the water and came up with a strange looking hunk of foam with a skinny waist and big feet.



Tras largas sesiones de surf bajo el pulso firme de alguno de los mejores shapers del mundo y pruebas con riders en olas, los jóvenes navarros Eduardo Cenzano y Miguel Ángel García, lanzan la tabla de surf “Trinity” que con una tecnología y diseño innovadores ofrece una sensación inigualable frente al oleaje.

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It’s totally unlike anything we’ve surfed!
Sensational “fast and glidey” feel underfoot Holds an edge in hollow waves because it’s narrow Maintains speed through turns in flat, open parts of the wave Direction changes are quicker due to lack of rail between your feet When turning on your toe side or heel side the board cuts a very tight arc Paddles well into waves



On a sunny arternoon on Spains north coast, a gentle offshore breeze is sculpting the Bay of Biscay into a corduroy seascape of gently rolling green walls.

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